The Goddess Within
Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - you have the answers within you. Your Inner Child holds the key to transforming all kinds of pain.
Lacking direction, clarity and purpose can prevent us from moving forward. Understand why you chose this life, learn to ground yourself here and own your path.
Embrace your wild woman essence and reclaim your passion for life. Knowing who you are allows you to dive into self-love. Awakened intuition will follow.
Learn to access every aspect of your feminine being and evoke the Goddess qualities by going within and coming home to who you are.

Confident, driven and independent

Dark, free spirited and open.

Elegant, regal and devoted.

Nurturing, sweet and bond driven.

Strategic, worldly and intelligent.

Affable, introverted and seductively soulful.

Creative, intimate and sensual.
Why Embody The Goddess?
Each Goddess principle works in her own subtle and mysterious way. She dwells in the shadows and in the Moonlit shelter of the night. Here she feels safe to practice her emergence and her return to emotional liberation. That’s why we connect the Goddess to the Lunar cycles and turn within to experience this divine feminine power in silence, in sacred prayer and in tune with the natural world.
As women, we can hold space for each other that heals and makes room for our Goddess energy to manifest.
The Goddess Within online program offers the ideal initiation into leading an empowered life that recognise every aspect of your Divine Femininity.
Step by step, moment by moment, you will journey to awaken, heal and remember not only who you are but also what you are here to do.
As each module unfolds, you will begin by understanding the journey of the Goddess aspect and then walk the path in your own time, one lesson at a time.
We’ve created a system that gently empowers you to manage your daily life in ways that empower your feminine qualities. Allow yourself the time you need to integrate and 'innerstand' each lesson, by dedicating time and intention to the meditations and practices as often as possible.
Every teaching from The Goddess Within is yours for life, can use any tool or technique to create your own personal practice of self-love and personal growth along your journey to embody your Divine Goddess energy. This program is self driven and self guided - you are able to move through the modules as quickly or as slowly as you feel you need. There is no live content for you to schedule in. You decide how and when you are going to move through the modules; ALWAYS with help, support and guidance from your three facilitators.
- 8 Comprehensive AUDIO/VIDEO teachings
- 7 Beautifully written LETTERS channelled from the Divine Goddess Archetypes
- 3 Guided Heart Coherence MEDITATIONS
- Self-regression HYPNOSIS to Awaken the Goddess
- 7 Goddess recorded RITUAL CEREMONIES to embody your Feminine essence
- 4 Divine Nature IMMERSIONS
- A Printable JOURNAL with Goddess Activation Prompts
- ‘Lunar Love’ WORKBOOK connecting you to the Feminine Moon
Our program also includes full support from our Embody Nadora facilitators and you will have exclusive access to an online group and forum for asking questions and requesting assistance at any time.
or $99 upfront and 6 x weekly payments of $45

The Goddess Within consists of 8 modules that offer you all the time and tools you need to step into an empowered life that confidently honours your Divine Femininity, awakens your authentic voice and restores your joy and passion for life.
Each module has been created to guide you through the elaborate web of Goddess activation, with the Divine Feminine as your intuitive guide.
The Modules
The Journey of the Goddess
An introduction… to the value of being authentic and feeling free to express it.
There are times in our lives when we feel devalued, tired, not good enough and scared to express ourselves. As women, the roles we become used to playing can cause us to forget, in a way, who we really are. We can shut off our own needs and our own desires to such a point that when we are being our truest self, others cannot truly see us.
Take a journey with us;
Why the sacred space within the Heart is the foundation for developing intuition and feminine wisdom.
How choice and intention play a pivotal role in dropping out of the control section of the mind so that you can get to the heart of your needs and how to fulfill them.
How to create a sacred outer space that reflects your sacred inner space to include the senses in your discovery and expression of authenticity.
Why becoming gentle, and patient with yourself opens your Heart to healing by letting go of conditioning and control.
Recognising your true rhythm and finding your authentic voice through connecting to your soul and embodying the Goddess within.
40-min audio/video teaching about the feminine journey of heart, mind and will.
A powerful 90-min audio guided hypnosis to awaken the Goddess within.
Your printable ‘Goddess Journal’ filled with guided activation prompts.
Exclusive access to our GODDESS community for all your inspiration and Q&As.
Special Extras
For ongoing guidance and connection to natures feminine creation cycles, you will also receive your ‘Luna Love Workbook’, with prompts for ritual and ceremonies that will open you to your feminine wisdom, month after month. This book calls upon three feminine pillars: the moon phases, your emotions, and your personal intentions to align your feminine energy and with Universal Divine Feminine. Use these 12 tailor Zodiac Moon contemplations and reflections over the course of the year ahead to allow your inner wisdom to rise.
The Huntress
Discover… your path to independence, confidence and a warrior spirit.
The Huntress represents the autonomy to pursue life on authentic terms. She is focused, committed, passionate and protective. Her courage and strength derive from her deep connection to nature and the Universal forces. Her lesson is to feel her emotions with honesty, to be vulnerable and to be willing to ask for and accept help.
Take a journey with us;
The importance of maintaining balance and wellbeing within your physical body.
Why communicating with the emotional body clears out dense, stagnant energies that can cause stress, burnout, and repetitive emotional patterns.
How knowing your body’s internal language can improve your awareness and increase your confidence.
How to consciously connect with your womb and the Earth energy, Gaia.
40-min audio/video teaching on the qualities of ‘The Huntress’ and how to work with her.
Fully Guided Goddess Ritual Ceremony to enact at the beginning, end or both sides of working with ‘The Huntress’ feminine qualities.
20-min audio guided meditation: ‘The Huntress, The Sage, The Mystic’ to meet your Huntress Within, connect with her, and embody her determination and will.
Inspirational message channelled from Artemis – the Huntress.
Special Extras
And for complete grounding and harmonising support, you have corresponding prompts for working with ‘The Huntress’ energy within your journal. Find out how she manifests within you and what you can do to call her forward.
The Maiden
Discover… your path to embracing playfulness, adaptability and growth.
The Maiden signifies the eternal youthfulness in which a woman exudes effervescence. She is passive, receptive, vulnerable and generally waits for life to happen to her yet it is her free-spirited delinquency that keeps her from looking within herself as a source of profound inner strength. In learning to transition her rebellious nature, she becomes compassionate, attentive and deeply spiritual.
Take a journey with us;
Why the Maiden Within teaches you to nurture your inner world and allows you access the deeper manifesting emotions of womanhood.
Discover how to connect with her and allow her to safely express herself in fun and playful ways.
Begin to transcend any predisposed patterns of compliance and passivity and transform these into new patterns of resilience.
Unlock the way to intimacy, deep unconditional love, joyfulness and connection that you have been craving.
Why the Maiden is also the first step in navigating your emotional world with ease and joy to find balance within your relationships.
40-min audio/video teaching on the Maiden and how she influences your life.
20-min audio guided meditation: ‘The Maiden, The Mother, The Queen’ to meet your Maiden within, connect with her, and begin to heal her pain projections.
Full Nature Immersion video – work with the long or short version throughout the week in whichever way best suits your needs.
Fully Guided Goddess Ritual Ceremony to enact at the beginning, end or both sides of working with ‘The Maiden’ feminine qualities.
Inspirational message channelled from Persephone – the Maiden.
Special Extras
And for heart opening and healing support, you have corresponding prompts for working with ‘The Maiden’ energy within your journal. Find out how she manifests within you and what you can do to balance her energy and put everything in the right place.
The Queen
Discover… your path to inner trust, grace and complete devotion.
The Queen embodies the regal sanctity of unity. She is sovereign and naturally confident in her relationship to self as well as with others and so is an inspiring leader within her home and friendship circle, commanding complete loyalty. She can be challenged by jealousy of other women which can limit her ability to connect but through bringing her attention to her own inner world, she becomes self-fulfilled and grows beyond these negative patterns.
Take a journey with us;
How the Queen steps out to share her emotions with others and why this is a valuable guide to understanding your true beliefs about self.
Discover how to reflect on perceptions of the outer world and adjust to maintain inner peace.
The power of grace and gratitude and how to include more in life.
What you are really seeking within your relationships of all kinds and how to align with those needs and desires.
Why the Queen is a powerful force for elegantly owning past patterns of thought and behaviour and seeing your true worth.
40-min audio/video teaching on the Queen and how she empowers your relationships.
Fully Guided Goddess Ritual Ceremony to enact at the beginning, end or both sides of working with ‘The Queen’ feminine qualities.
Inspirational message channelled from Hera – the Queen.
Special Extras
And for awakening your intrinsic worth and grace, you have corresponding prompts for working with ‘The Queen’ energy within your journal. Find out how she manifests within you and what you can do to redirect her energy into loving and lasting connections.
The Mother
Discover… your path to nurturing, abundance and creativity.
The Mother represents a woman’s natural instinct not only to create life but to physically, mentally and Spiritual sustain it. She is responsible, protective, generous and gentle as she creates a space of safety around her. She finds great satisfaction in taking care of others, often neglecting her own needs. Through wanting to protect, she may become controlling and find it difficult to establish boundaries, this is what she has to teach us.
Take a journey with us;
How to activate your heart and your womb and use their connection as a guide in your life.
Why activating the Mother archetype will allow you to express you womanhood powerfully and abundantly.
How to tune into the natural instinct to express and create by activating internal boundaries.
Learn how passion and joy can be your greatest assets and how to use them in a healthy, mature, and fulfilling ways.
Why you need to support yourself internally when holding space for others while still honouring your own personal boundaries.
40-min audio/video teaching on the Mother and how she manifests within.
Fully Guided Goddess Ritual Ceremony to enact at the beginning, end or both sides of working with ‘The Mother’ feminine qualities.
Full Nature Immersion video – work with the long or short version throughout the week in whichever way best suits your needs.
Inspirational message channelled from Dermeter – the Mother.
Special Extras
And for supporting your connection between heart and womb, you have corresponding prompts for working with ‘The Mother’ energy within your journal. Find out how she manifests within you and what you can do to abundantly express her creativity.
The Sage
Discover… your path to practicality, logic and heart-based wisdom.
The Sage signifies a woman’s pursuit of knowledge, strategy and objectivity. This archetype encourages discipline and goal orientation so that she can be competitive in a practical sense. She is independent, intelligent in her own right, instinctual and aware. finds great satisfaction in taking care of others, often neglecting her own needs. She teaches us of our need to be patient, to forgive others and herself and to find space to be with her feelings. When the previous Goddesses are embodied, this lesson is easy.
Take a journey with us;
How to include your heart in your decisions and actions without sacrificing your wants, needs and desires for life.
Recognising instinct vs intelligence and using intuitive wisdom to find balance.
Why balancing the Sage is vital to your emotional growth.
Learn the power behind heart-based, emotional intelligence.
Why practicing forgiveness, empathy and compassion can clear the path to passion and romance.
40-min audio/video teaching on the Sage and how to harness her energy.
Fully Guided Goddess Ritual Ceremony to enact at the beginning, end or both sides of working with ‘The Sage’ feminine qualities.
Full Nature Immersion video – work with the long or short version throughout the week in whichever way best suits your needs.
Inspirational message channelled from Athena – the Sage.
Special Extras
And for mind/heart unifying support, you have corresponding prompts for working with ‘The Sage’ energy within your journal. Find out how she manifests within you and what you can do to abundantly express her creativity.
The Mystic
Discover… your path to turning inward to find meaning, presence and Truth.
The Mystic represents a deeply introverted Woman focused on her own inner-spiritual world and most concerned with maintaining her inner peace. She is affable, introverted and seductively soulful valuing solitude in an effort to establish her stillness within. She is warm, inviting, patient and quirky as she feels settled and sure in who she is. Whilst on her spiritual path, her development is in acquiring assertiveness and the ability to fight for themselves or else risk becoming lonely and isolated.
Take a journey with us;
How to go within to connect to a deeper level of your heart and activate the ‘isness’ of authentic Truth within.
The power of shifting perspectives and how to know when to make a shift.
Why cultivating your inner world is more potent and permanent than any external action you take.
Learn the one simple practice that will help you connect to your inner Truth.
How to live within your rich inner sanctuary while still actively participating in the external world.
40-min audio/video teaching on the Mystic and how to bring her into your life.
Fully Guided Goddess Ritual Ceremony to enact at the beginning, end or both sides of working with ‘The Mystic’ feminine qualities.
Inspirational message channelled from Hestia – the Mystic.
Special Extras
And for supporting your recreation of your inner sanctuary, you have corresponding prompts for working with ‘The Mystic’ energy within your journal. Find out how she manifests within you and what you can do to abundantly express her creativity.
The Lover
Discover… your path to pure expression, magnetic connection and celebratory love for life.
The Lover symbolises a woman’s primal urge to connect and create using her sensual energy in every capacity – mental, emotional, spiritual and physical to boundlessly attract to her what it is that she is. She is warm, attentive, magnetic, alluring and transformative as she seeks to connect with life around her on every level. Her magic exists in being fully present in what she does and who she is, in celebrating her knowing and in gifting that presence back to life.
Take a journey with us;
How to fearlessly embody your authentic Truth and live the spiritual essence of your being in every facet of your life.
How to combine inspiration, instinct, intelligence, intuition and intention to manifest and create in abundance.
Why activating and embodying all Goddesses is your most valuable life strategy.
Understanding your energy fields, how to intentionally clear and empower them.
How to harness your passion and power to begin boldly living your purpose.
40-min audio/video teaching on the qualities of ‘The Lover’ and how to work with her.
20-min audio guided meditation: ‘The Lover’ to meet your inner Lover, connect with her, and begin to harness her unified and magnetic qualities of living.
Fully Guided Goddess Ritual Ceremony to enact at the beginning, end or both sides of working with ‘The Lover’ feminine qualities.
Full Nature Immersion video – work with the long or short version throughout the week in whichever way best suits your needs.
Inspirational message channelled from Aphrodite– the Lover.
Special Extras
And for supporting your awakening and embodiment, you have corresponding prompts for working with ‘The Lover’ energy within your journal. Find out how she manifests within you and what you can do to call her forward.
or $99 upfront and 6 x weekly payments of $45
Lessons for The Goddess Within
How it works
Begin by understanding the journey of the Goddess and then walk the path in your own time, one lesson at a time. We’ve created a system that gently empowers you to manage your daily life in ways that empower your feminine qualities. Allow yourself the time you need to integrate and innerstand each lesson, by dedicating time and intention to the meditations and practices as often as possible.
As you reach the end of your program, every lesson is yours to keep and we encourage you to keep the practices you loved and leave the ones you don’t. You can use any tool or technique to create your own personal practice of self-love and personal growth along your journey to embody your Divine Goddess energy.

Deeper connection to your feminine energy
Increased self-love, compassion and confidence
More clarity around how you use your energy
Willingness to focus on what truly matters in your life
Higher perspective for overcoming your own emotional barriers
More clarity in all your relationships
Heightened intuition to enhance and guide your awakened journey through this life
The power of conscious and deliberate self-care
The rhythmic awareness of being in flow with nature and the Divine cycles of the Universe.
Ebony, Kylie and Tracy have over 57 years of combined experience working with people around the world across many modalities of healing, awareness and growth. You have access to all three mentors for the duration of your program – Our regular hourly rate is $300/hour. The compilation of practices and tools within this program offers you a summary of each of our professional offerings and qualifications.
Ebony, Kylie and Tracy have over 57 years of combined experience working with people around the world across many modalities of healing, awareness and growth. You have access to all three mentors for the duration of your program – Our regular hourly rate is $300/hour. The compilation of practices and tools within this program offers you a summary of each of our professional offerings and qualifications.
Your journal, workbook and Goddess letters are all purposefully and beautifully designed specifically for this program. Each is inspired by our own experiences of awakening and growth along our personal journeys to embodying our inner Goddess.
All the meditations, rituals and immersions you receive are created with loving intention to initiate and activate the specific archetype energies of the Divine Goddess. They embody our intuitive, energetic influence and are yours to keep and use for life.
Take A Journey With Us
Allow us to guide you through an inspirational and intuitive journey of awakening. Experience the power of the emotional energy within you to transform and transcend your reality. Witness the Divine Feminine force rising up within you to nourish your life with radiance and embody your personal power of creation.
This is at potential that we all have. It takes small moments of contemplation and connection practices to recognise the Goddess power within us and unleash the incredible force of the combined heart, mind and Spirit. Once you feel this alignment within, you can harness your energy and direct it towards healing and holding space for others to heal also.
Through Embody Nadora, we are each committed to empowering women around the world to stand in their own authentic Truth and embody the beautiful gift that they are to the world. It is part of our own unfolding as women to support others in coming together to support and nurture the emerging, Divine Goddess wisdom within other women. Now is our moment to own our power and take complete responsibility for healing our stories of past and present so that we can consciously create a more harmonious and Divine future for all of Humanity.
Ebony is a certified Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin Asana teacher, and specialises in meditation and breathwork. Ebony lovingly guides you to reconnect to your heart and passionately empowers you to re-evaluate what is and isn’t working in your life. Knowing that there are always many paths and many ways forward, she encourages you to dive deep into the journey of your own soul and choose how it is you want to live and show up in this world.
Her nurturing and caring nature will allow you to feel guided with confidence through each practice.
She is your guide within deep, transformational meditative practices and ritual ceremony in order to achieve heart coherence and evoke your inner most Goddess energy.
Meet Your Guides
Kylie is a qualified Spiritual Awareness Coach and Body Healing Alchemist who specialises in Beyond Quantum/Past Life Regression Hypnosis and Qigong. Kylie’s ability to see the bigger picture and to connect the dots between physical lives and your Soul life allows her to support the evolution of your Spirituality and the relationship between that and your physical life.
Her direct approach enables you to enact your choice and your power of personal responsibility along this path so that you can remove any energetic ties to victimhood and step forward to reclaim your life.
She guides your hypnotic journey and process of body awareness to access higher mind in unison with the heart in order to move confidently along your awakened Soul path.
Tracy is a certified Spiritual Life Coach, Tarot/Oracle Reader and is a practiced Animal, Earth and Nature Intuitive.
With a unique talent for interpreting energy within and around people, places and animals, she brings a deep inner wisdom and perspective through messages and insights that lay beyond your conscious level of awareness. Her compassionate and uplifting technique for interacting with the realms beyond the physical means that you are guided to take inspired action rather than just seek answers.
She guides you through intuitive connection practices to support you as you practice trusting your own intuition and embodying the sacred wisdom of the natural world and the cosmic Universe with creative intention.