The Dynamic Shift
Your private & tailored path from where you are to where you want to be.
We are in service to you as you remember, redefine and recreate the changes and dynamic shifts you are ready for.
Dive right in to finding your personal flow and rhythm for life.

Your abundance
Your love
Your joy
Your success
Your ease
Your way
Dynamic Shift holds space for you as you become aligned with the cycle of divine expression and receiving.
Each moment meets you where you are and allows a portal of potential to be opened through which everything you are ready to release is drawn out and
you are ready to receive flows in.

As you honour your own unfolding and take steps to meet your Soul, we walk with you into experiencing more abundance, love, joy, success, ease, feminine awareness, natural rhythm and Universal alignment.
Through each Dynamic Shift… we are connected… we are a team… and we are consistently reaching for your highest, most Divine experience.
Women who allow themselves to dive deeply into their own pools of potential, return with more of their pieces put back together and more of their Soul purpose revealed.
Each personal and private experience calls on you to surrender to the beautiful depths of your Soul and allow your authentic Truth to resurface.
Dive into the possibilities that await your remembrance and create Dynamic Shifts in your relationships, career, business, health and energy.
Your choice of packages.
Your choice of sessions.
1 Session
120$Valid for 3 months3 Sessions
330$Valid for 6 months7 Sessions
700$Valid for 12 months13 Sessions
1,170$Valid for 18 months
Sessions must be used within the designated period unless otherwise advised by Embody Nadora,
or unless justifiable circumstances arise; this will be cared for on a case-by-case basis.
Dynamic Shift Services
1 hr
120 Australian dollars1 hr 30 min
120 Australian dollars1 hr
120 Australian dollars1 hr
120 Australian dollars1 hr
120 Australian dollars1 hr
120 Australian dollars